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Change Is Soon To Come

May 15th, 2023


Calling all the Witches,

Come from near and far

Summon Love and Wisdom

For change is soon to come



2020 Mantra


I don't have it

I'm not going to get it

I'm not going to spread it




Pulling Weeds

October 22nd, 2020


I can't help but feel pain

every time I pull out a 'weed'.


I know it's the 'right thing to do'

Since they are invasive to the garden

But they have flowers

And I'm sure they help nurture nature too.


I force myself and throw the plants into my compost pile

And think, at least they will go back into the soil.


Trying to justify my moves, I think

Is that what the Nazis thought when killing the Jews?


When is it right to take a life?

At what point has one killed too many plants?

At what point has one killed too many humans?


I am at a moral standstill

Invading my gardens ecosystem for my visual delight-

I stand up and walk inside to write. 





My Giant Alien Friend​

October 19th, 2020


I look into my chameleons eyes

One at a time as they gaze around

Moving in different directions


I slowly bring him towards my face

To give him a kiss on his side

And show my affection.

His little hands grab tightly onto mine. 


I wonder, what if I was as tiny as him?

Sitting on an alien monsters hand.

Would I be afraid?


Could I understand and feel the giants love?

Could we communicate?

Would he have my best interest in mind?


I examine Little Ubuntu

His colors and spots changing

For signs of his mood and desires


Sometimes I swear I can see him smile

But I'm not sure

I think he understands my expressions

And that i mean him no harm. 


To help me understand

I slip into his skin

And imagine this world

From the hands of my giant alien friend.





Burning Wo(Man)

September 2nd, 2020


Burning Woman

You will come next

From the ashes of man

The Phoenix will dance.




Enjoy Each-other

September 2nd, 2020


We are not here forever

So let's cut the bullshit

And enjoy each-other.




See You In Another Life

September 2nd, 2020


I'll see you in another life

As a fish

As a sloth

As a worm

As a bird

I don't know how we will re-connect

But the Universe will guide

The next time we re-collide.






Brothers and Sisters

We are living in strange times

Where hugs are scarce

And tension high


Although we are in lockdown

We are still connected

Worried about family and friends

Not to get infected






The World is getting smaller

And It is time to unite

For love & harmony

To set things right.




I Am Here


I am here because I want to 

As an artist and a being

To seek a collective conscious

To wipe our red hands clean.






January 28th, 2013


There is a silence in me-

Darting corners.



To suck tears from my eyes.

To bring fury to my mind.


Anger builds within my silence.

Words unspoken start to rot. 

Bubbles that burst uncover past wounds.

But i'll continue to sing my faithful cheery tunes. 







If I

Were a piece of meat

Butchered from this cow

Would you care

To take a bite?


If I

Was beaten & malnourished 

Then slaughtered by mans machine

Would you care

To take a bite?


If I

Was fed genetically modified food

Causing ruptures in my stomach

Would you care

To take a bite?


I bleed internally 

As my cancer grows

Trauma spreads into my veins

Haunting screams echo in my mind


Would you care

To take

Another bite?




Help Self


I can run from you

But I can't run from myself

So I better take time

To appreciate self for personal help.






Who am I to write

Songs for you to sing

But I have messages

Of hope & harmony

That I must express-

Then I may rest.






I can see it in your eyes

Turning me into sexual parts

Disregarding mind and soul.


How can you make me feel so low

By a glance in your eyes?


Your intentions are transparent

Another sleazy guy

Therefore it's time to say goodbye





We Are All Human


Let it be me

Let it be you

Speaking with honesty

Speaking with love


Think with your heart

And consider others

As it were you

As it were me.


Can't you see

We are all human?


Let us have compassion

Let us forgive but not forget

For there is much to learn

About you

About me

About us

About humanity.





Burning Man 2020

September 6th, 2020


What does 'The Man Burning' represent?






Connection to Mother Nature?


Is it a reminder that we are not here forever-

So let's cut the bullshit and enjoy each other?


Is it a visual to help let go of the things that do not serve us well,

And let them burn for new beginnings?


Is it a reminder to burn ourselves, before we burn others?


Fire is fury & destruction, but also warmth, love and new life,

Representing a powerful spectrum of emotions that envelops our souls.


For what reason is your 'man' on fire?

Before we look out, we must look within

To help our collective healing begin

To connect self with trees, wind, water, humanity, dust & fire

And allow our loving spirit to be taken higher.


The burning man helps me see

That it is extremely important to be

Self-reflective and glowing with love

Reborn from the ashes into a peaceful caring Dove.






*Smiles are more helpful then bullets*



© 2020 Cynthia Fleischmann

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